Plant biodiversity


The environmental impact and ecology are more than ever at the centre of our concerns. Limagrain, in line with its activity as a seed company, considers it a priority to preserve and conserve the genetic biodiversity of agricultural species.

Plant breeding is at the crossroads of improving agricultural competitiveness and global environmental challenges, such as climate change, diminishing resources (soil and water) and societal expectations as regards reduction in inputs (fertilisers, plant health products, etc.). To meet these challenges, solutions will be found in existing biodiversity which, through cross-breeding, offers the ability to create new varieties with improved performance. The wider the genetic diversity, the more possibilities there are. Protecting, enhancing and disseminating biodiversity are therefore essential tasks for all seed producers in order to preserve their ability to propose new varieties adapted to the diversity of markets and offering responses to the challenges of the future.

The Group invests in preserving genetic resources by contributing to gene bank activities and it participates in enriching genetic diversity through its plant breeding activity. For example, we distribute close to 6,000 varieties in total, including 442 new varieties brought to market in 2021-2022, covering 55 plant crops.

Lastly, a number of partnerships related to preserving biodiversity link Limagrain to technical institutions worldwide, such as: Embrapa (Brazil), Kasetsart University (Thailand), CAAS (China), INRA (France), Tomato Genetics Resource Center (USA), Institut ARO (Israel), Center for Genetic Resources (Netherlands) and the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (Iran).

new varieties have been created
and marketed by Limagrain in 2021-2022