Environmental impact


The impact of Limagrain activities on the environment is a grassroots concern managed at Business Unit level, using a proactive and responsible approach. Furthermore, Limagrain has fully integrated the prevention of environmental risks into its risk management policy, introducing standards that apply to ll its sites worldwide.

With this in view, Limagrain implemented the LEIA (Limit Environmental Impact of our Activities) program. This program focuses on four topics with quantified measures and goals for 2022.


pictogram of a waste bin

To recycle waste

Improve the reliability of reporting on waste and ensure processing by 2020
Recycle 85% of waste by 2022


pictogram of a cloud

To lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

Achieve a 10% reduction in energy consumption by 2022 (vs. 2015-2016)


pictogram of a drop

To ensure the quality of effluents and optimise water consumption

Achieve a 5% reduction in consumption of tap water by 2022 (vs 2016-2017)


pictogram of biodiversity

To protect the ecosystems on sites

Identify, monitor and preserve biotopes and protected species on sites close to a protected area


wheat under glass

Measures to prevent,
recycle and eliminate waste

Much investment has been made during the fiscal period in relation to waste, aimed at:

  • reducing volume, either by developing processes that lead to less waste being produced or by increasing recycling,
  • preventing risks related to hazardous waste, mainly linked to chemicals,
  • improving waste management and the company’s practices,
  • improving behaviour through training and communication

A major area for action throughout Group on the issue of waste involves managing the risk of a polluted water spill.

Three levers have been instrumental in reducing this risk:

  • avoiding contamination,
  • collecting dirty water,
  • ensuring it is properly treated.

Reducing food waste

As a seed producer, Limagrain is not directly concerned by food waste issues. However, in its activities related to integrated cereal chains, whether for bakery products or ingredients, Limagrain strives to minimise food waste.

This is translated into initiatives aimed at minimising waste from industrial processes, processing or recycling waste and donating products that cannot be marketed. External specialists may be called in to analyse this issue in order to benefit from outsourced skills and experience.

284 000 € of food products donated to Food Banks. 

218 000 € 
invested in initiatives aimed at minimizing food waste.

wind turbine

Lowering our energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

The goal of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is reflected in numerous actions taken by all subsidiaries:

  • Accountability for individual practices and actions,
  • Promotion of teleworking,
  • A travel policy that encourages using trains instead of planes and that sets a maximum CO2 emission threshold for work vehicles (less than 120 g CO2/km).

Over €6 million invested in initiatives to reduce energy consumption since 2015.


Efficient water management

Due to its awareness of the importance and depletion of this essential resource, Limagrain implemented an efficient water management policy that depends on several factors:

  • Network maintenance and upkeep to avoid leaks and waste.
  • Choosing high-performance irrigation systems. The use of drip irrigation systems continues to develop. They conduct water directly to the plant’s root system.
  • The implementation of new techniques to control and limit the amount of water used: soilless crops, open field mulching, a layer of sand for greenhouse growing which limits evaporation.
  •  The use of irrigation management software that allows for adjusting the irrigation to the soil’s water reserves, the needs of the plants, and the weather conditions and forecasts.
Over €2.2 million invested in improving water management since 2015. 


Limagrain Headquarters

Protecting the ecosystems
on our main sites

Having created close ties with the League for the Protection of Birds and the Auvergne Conservatory for Natural Areas, Limagrain turned to these two NGOs in the summer of 2018 to perform a biodiversity diagnosis of its site in Saint-Beauzire.

The conclusions presented in October 2018 included a detailed inventory of the species living on this 10-hectare site. The recommendations made in the report to preserve and develop the biodiversity have been analysed with the departments and service providers managing the site. Initiatives involving differential mowing and the development of animal habitats have been introduced. This biodiversity inventory is currently taking place at some of our sites in order to continue and further the work already undertaken.